Friday, October 14, 2005

Late Night Thoughts

I had a long week... My mom (who usally watches my kids while I am at work) has taken a week long vacation to Florida. I have been a real stay at home mom this week. I'll tell you... I am exhausted. Lucky for me when my husband gets home he just takes over... as much as he can of course. Our 5 month old still prefers his mommy's arms and of course her right and left boobie, too. Our 18 month old is a daddy;s girl so when he come home, I may as well be wearing my invisible coat... that is, until bedtime. We have a great little night time routine and daddy just doesnt do it "right"...

Since I am a Real Estate agent, I have a lot of flexibility in my work schedule so this week hasn't been too hard. I can do a lot of work from home also. I am looking forward to going into the office tomorrow for a few hours. It's like a vacation sometimes... I look forward to my first cup of coffee... leisurly reviewing my emails... going outside for a quick smoke... and good adult gossip! I dont have to read about monkeys...or ABC's... no Barney songs, playdough or paints... Just solitude. It works for a few hours then I have to race home and get a good dose of them!

Until then, I will enjoy the peace and quiet...catching up on Judge Judy on TIVO and getting the bills together. Take a deep breath and get ready for another day!


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