Monday, October 17, 2005

Girls Night

Went out with the girls tonight... Having trouble with the keyboard... Champagne is my new drink... delicious and packs a great buzz... Had dinner at a great restaurant... and spent good girl time... One of my friends has decided that she is getting a divorce... Ahhh... the 3rd one in my "world" this year... I swear, ever since Brad and Jen broke up everyone is doomed. Ug. I feel like crap all of a sudden...drank too much, ate too mcuh and smoked waaaay too much. I need to go to bed now.

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Little Tiger Posted by Picasa

Friday, October 14, 2005

Late Night Thoughts

I had a long week... My mom (who usally watches my kids while I am at work) has taken a week long vacation to Florida. I have been a real stay at home mom this week. I'll tell you... I am exhausted. Lucky for me when my husband gets home he just takes over... as much as he can of course. Our 5 month old still prefers his mommy's arms and of course her right and left boobie, too. Our 18 month old is a daddy;s girl so when he come home, I may as well be wearing my invisible coat... that is, until bedtime. We have a great little night time routine and daddy just doesnt do it "right"...

Since I am a Real Estate agent, I have a lot of flexibility in my work schedule so this week hasn't been too hard. I can do a lot of work from home also. I am looking forward to going into the office tomorrow for a few hours. It's like a vacation sometimes... I look forward to my first cup of coffee... leisurly reviewing my emails... going outside for a quick smoke... and good adult gossip! I dont have to read about monkeys...or ABC's... no Barney songs, playdough or paints... Just solitude. It works for a few hours then I have to race home and get a good dose of them!

Until then, I will enjoy the peace and quiet...catching up on Judge Judy on TIVO and getting the bills together. Take a deep breath and get ready for another day!

Fun Friday

Before I was married, it seems like the weekend started on Thursday... and the question of the night wasn't "Should we go out tonight?" It was "Where should we go tonight"... Any number of random bars would come up... we usually would end up at one of our favorite dives, Cadiallac Jacks... In college, there was only one place to go...and we had our fake IDs ready every day of the week... Sometimes I miss the carefree life that I lived back then...but wouldnt trade it in for the world... Now every day is just like the last, the weekends don't have the same appeal. We have started a new tradition called Fun Fridays... My husband and I coined this term when we started to feel the slowing down of our lives... In the beginning Fun Friday meant movies in bed, pizza or some other comfort food and turning off the phone... It was a night to veg out and decompress... Now Fun Friday is sort of a tongue in cheek way to describe our weekends... Gone are the movies, in are the babies and food comes in any form we feel like either making, ordering or re-heating... I am not complaining... as my life has evolved into a very safe comfortable place... I look forward to Fun Fridays as much as Fun Mondays... but sometimes miss those fun Thursdays!