Thursday, March 19, 2009

Its been a long time

Wow...Had it really been 3 years since I last blogged? I've been memory isn't what it used to be and there are so many moments that come and go and memories that I want to preserve and cherish...what better way then to write them down? I have the best if intentions, but horrible follow through. I can only try to be better...

So, the kids are getting so big. Lucy is 4 and Will is 3. Lucy will turn 5 in a few weeks and all I can think of is where did the time go? She was just an infant...she just learned to walk...she said her first words...she wrote her first letter... and now she is ready for kindergarten! She is amazing. She is funny and smart and has a real mind of her own. She has been writing her letters since she was 3 years old. She is learning to spell already. She loves ABBA. She hates to clean her room but last week while I was cleaning the house around 10pm I went to her room to put away clothes. She must have woken up and seen what I was doing. I started hearing noises from her room and walked in to find her light on and she was humming while hanging up dresses and picking up her room. I asked her what she was doing and she said, "Mommy, I am cleaning my room so it will be nice in the morning and you don't have to help me". It was awesome. She totally cleaned it, too. Piece by piece. When she was done, I let her stay up with me and watch "adult shows" (Friends) and we had a snack and fell asleep on the couch. She was so excited about our little secret girls night. Oh, she also makes me breakfast in bed... carries my food down stairs to the basement, and even clears my dishes and puts them in the dishwasher!

She is in ballet and loves it. Most of what she learns is "secret"... she wants me to wait until her recital. Occasionally she will perform some of her routines but she likes to make me suffer. Makes my heart want to explode out of my chest. She is a whiz on the laptop. Can navigate like a champ. She is so sweet and writes her family cards all the time with beautiful pictures and sweet words. She likes to plan surprise unbirthday parties. She likes to pretend her name is Rosa and we pretend we are meeting for the first time at a hotel. She loves her babies, Glen, Barbara Brenda, and Lisa. She has her own fashion sense and can be very stubborn... (not sure where she got that!)

William is my sweet loverboy. He is fascinated with trains. Thomas trains especially. He knows every train by their face. He loves to play outside, riding his bike. He knows what he wants and what he doesn't. If we go shopping, he is so funny because he will not buy anything that he doest want. Where Lucy will throw anything in the cart, he is very selective about what he wants. He will come up to me out of the blue and say, "Mommy?" then he says, "I love you". And a hug is not complete without a kiss. He loves to snuggle and he loves his back scratched and tickled. He held my face the other day while i was helping him put on his rubber boots and said, "You are such a good mommy". Another moment I thought my heart would burst open. He loves the laptop, totally comfortable navigating. I never ever worry that he will break it. He also loves the ipod touch. He is learning math equations already!!! He is very very sensitive and is not a big risk taker. He is a thinker and a planner. He is cautious. He loves to torture Buster the cat. In fact, we saw a very wet Buster one early morning last week... found out that Will had tossed him in the hot tub so that he would "smell very clean"... He is eager to meet new friends, and LOVES Jackie pie. He is surrounded by so many women, he just loves to have boy time. He has become a tad argumentative in the last month or so though. Everything is a no, or an i don't want to even if he means yes or I wanna do that. I'm hoping its a phase but some days it feels like everything is an argument with him. He argues for the sake of arguing... hmmm... doesn't sound like anyone I know! The good thing is that you can reason with him and he usually snaps out of it very quickly.

I hope to update this blog daily, if not several times a week at least. I have a hard time remembering what happened today let alone the last 5 years...

Planning an awesome 80s birthday party for Nancy on Sunday. So many fun details. I will fill you in on that in a day or so.